Thursday, November 30, 2006

Promises As Sticky As Post-It Notes

Scenario: You are caught in a decision trap. The situation could be can be a matter of life and death, or a relationship with someone.


Sometimes it hurts when you can't say no,and end up saying 'no'. It also hurts when you end up saying 'yes',plant a commitment (and register a promise in the other person's mind), then all of a sudden, the wind changes its course...YOU BREAK THAT DAMN PROMISE. What's worse is, it stupendously became either a 'talent' or a 'hobby' of that person to break his words. Its not just the "tokis" type who would swear in a goofy manner. NO. What I happened to encounter were people I trusted so badly who looked TOO sincere, TOO determined to keep that promise and I was that OVERLY reliant and OVERLY expectant girl.

I don't know who I should feel sorry for. Myself for letting those conniving words get to my head? Or those people (this post is not just about one person, its about every single [broken] promise I heard so far in my lifetime) who dropped them?

Can you avoid these instances? Another issue, is it me or do I sometimes feel other friends of mine take me for granted? As if they remember me when they need me to accompany them in their wells of problems with their lovelives, when they need someone to help them out with their English projects...

Gah. I'll post no further. I'll stop here. Something else to post the next time (*Winks!). Poor little emotional me.


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